韧性城市与可持续发展 | 防灾减灾与应急管理 | 智慧城市与数字化 | 交通地理与规划
- Wan, L., Nochta, T., Tang, J., Schooling, J. 2022. Digital Twins for Smart Cities – Conceptualization, Challenges and Practices. ICE Publishing. (Edited collection – Forthcoming)
Book Chapters
- Yang, T., Huang, F., Tang, J.*, Wan, L., 2022. Digital twins for smart cities –Chapter 4 – Digital city in the making, Xiong’An New City, China. Digital Twins for Smart Cities – Conceptualization, Challenges and Practices. ICE Publishing. (Forthcoming)
- Tang, J.*, 2019. Assessment of resilience in urban complex systems. Encyclopedia of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs). Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure. Edited by Walter Leal Filho et al., Springer.
Refereed Journal Full-length Papers
First Author Papers
- Tang, J., Lin, H., Fan, X.*, Yu, X., 2022. A topology-based evaluation of resilience on urban road networks against epidemic spread: Implications for COVID-19 responses. Frontiers in Public Health. (SSCI, JCR Q1, IF = 6.461)
- Tang, J.*, Wan, L. Schooling, J., Zhao, P., Chen, J., Wei, S., 2022. Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) in smart cities: A systematic review on technological advancement and application cases. Cities. (SSCI, JCR Q1, IF = 5.835)
- Tang, J., Xu, L.*, Luo, C., Ng, T. 2021. Multi-disruption resilience assessment of rail transit systems with optimized commuter flows. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. (SCI/SSCI, JCR Q1, IF = 6.188)
- Tang, J., Heinimann, HR., Han, K., Luo, H., Zhong, B.*, 2020. Evaluating resilience in urban transportation systems for sustainability: A systems-based Bayesian network model. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. (SCI/SSCI, JCR Q1)
- Tang, J.*, Wan, L., Nochta T., Schooling JM., Yang, T., 2020. Exploring resilient observability in trafficmonitoring sensor networks: A study of spatial-temporal vehicle patterns. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. (SCI/SSCI, JCR Q2)
- Tang, J.*, Heinimann, HR., Khoja, L., 2019. Quantitative evaluation of consecutive resilience cycles in stock market performance: A systems-oriented approach. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications.(SCI/SSCI, JCR Q2)
- Tang, J.*, Heinimann HR., 2018. A resilience-oriented approach for quantitatively assessing recurrent spatialtemporal congestion on urban roads. PLoS ONE. (SCI/SSCI, JCR Q2)
- Tang, J.*, Khoja, L., Heinimann, HR., 2018. Characterisation of survivability resilience with dynamic stock interdependence in financial networks. Applied Network Science. (ESCI/EI)
- Hu, H., Tang, J. (Co-first author), Wang, Y., Zhang, H., Lin, Y., Su, L., Liu, Y., Zhang, W., Wang, C., Wu, D., Wu, X.*, 2020. Evaluating bird collision risk of a high-speed railway for crested ibis. Transportation Research Part D: Transportation and Environment. (SCI/SSCI, JCR Q1)
- Zhang, B., Tang, J. (Co-first author), Wang, Y., Zhang, H., Wu, X.*, 2019. Designing wildlife crossing structures for ungulates in a desert landscape: A regional expressway case study in China. Transportation Research Part D: Transportation and Environment. (SCI/SSCI, JCR Q1)
- Tang, J.*, Wan, L. Schooling, J., Zhao, P., Chen, J., Wei, S., 2022. Automatic Number Plate Recognition(ANPR) in smart cities: A systematic review on technological advancement and application cases. Cities.(SSCI, Q1, IF = 5.835)
Corresponding-author Papers
- Li, X., Wang, Y., Tang, J.*, Shi, L., Zhao, T., Chen, J., 2022. Emotional well-being in intercity travel: Factors affecting passengers’ long-distance travel moods. Frontiers in Public Health. (SSCI, JCR Q1, IF = 6.461)
- 黄沣爵, 赵鹏军, 汤俊卿 *, 2022. 城市建成环境对共享单车空间分布的影响——基于多尺度地理加权回归模型(MGWR). 地理研究. (CSSCI) (Accepted)
- Wang, X., Peng, J., Tang, J.*, Lu, Q., Li, X., 2022. Investigating the impact of adding new airline routes on air transportation resilience in China. Transport Policy. (SSCI, JCR Q1, IF = 4.674)
- Canavera-Herrera, J., Tang, J.*, Nochta, T., Schooling, J., 2022. On the relations between resilience and smartness: A critical review. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF =4.32)
- Zhong, B., Hei, Y., Jiao, L., Luo, H., Tang, J.*, 2019. Technology frontiers of building-integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV): A patent co-citation analysis. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies. (SCI/SSCI, JCR Q2, IF = 2.455)
Co-author Papers
- Zhao, H., Huang, Z., Xu, L., Tang, J., Chen, H., 2022. Modeling the resumption of work and production of enterprises during COVID-19: An SIR-based quantitative framework. Frontiers in Public Health. (SSCI, JCR Q1, IF = 6.461)
- Yu, L., Zhao, P., Tang, J., 2022. Changes in tourist mobility after COVID-19 outbreaks. Annals of Tourism Research (SSCI, JCR Q1, IF = 12.853)
- Yan, J., Lu, Q.*, Tang, J., Chen, L., Hong, J., Broyd, T., 2022. Digital tools for revealing and reducing carbon footprint in infrastructure, building and city scopes. Buildings. (SSCI, JCR Q2, IF = 2.648)
- Zhao, P.*, He, Z., Yin, L., Xiao, R., Chen, J., Tang, J., Gong, Z., Zhang, W., 2022. Changes in the geographical distribution of global iron ore shipping flowss, 2000-2019. Journal of Transport Geography. (SSCI, JCR Q1, IF = 4.986)
- Liu, Z., Liu, Q., Zhao, P.*, Tang, J., Gong, Z., 2022. Investigating access to periodic markets in rural China. Transportation Research Part D: Transportation and Environment. (SCI/SSCI, JCR Q1, IF = 5.495)
- Wan, L.*, Tang, J., Wang, L., Schooling, J. Understanding non-commuting travel demand of car commuters –Insights from ANPR trip chain data in Cambridge. Transport Policy. (SSCI, JCR Q1, IF = 4.674)
- Li, X.*, Tang, J., Hu, X., Wang, W., 2020. Assessing inter-city multimodal choice behavior in a touristy city: A factor analysis study. Journal of Transport Geography. (SSCI, JCR Q1, IF = 4.986)
- Wang, X., Miao, S.*, Tang, J., 2020. Vulnerability and Resilience Analysis of the Air Traffic Control Sector Network in China. Sustainability. (SCI/SSCI, JCR Q2, IF = 3.251)
- Zhong, B., He, W., Huang, Z., Love, P., Tang, J., Luo, H.*, 2020. A building regulation question answering system: A deep learning methodology. Advanced Engineering Informatics. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF = 5.603)
- Piccoli, B., Han, K.*, Friesz, T.L., Yao, T., Tang, J., 2015. Second-order models and traffic data from mobile sensors. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF = 8.089)
Refereed Conference Papers
- Yan, J., Fang, Z., Lu, Q., Tang, J., Chen, L., Pitt, M., 2022. Behaviour changes towards accessibility to medical resources in the post-pandemic era in China and the UK cities. In proceedings of 29th Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference.
- Oti-Sarpong, K., Bastidas, V., Nochta, T., Wan, L., Tang, J., Schooling JM., 2022. A social construction of technology view for understanding the delivery of city-scale digital twins. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences.
- Tang, J.*, Wan, L., Nochta, T., Schooling JM., 2020. Identifying critical congestion hotspots using network approach: Smart spatial placement of sensors. In Proceedings of the 20th COTA Annual meeting.
- Tang, J.*, Heinimann, HR., Han, K., 2019. A Bayesian network approach for assessing the general resilience of road transportation systems: A system perspective. In Proceedings of the 19th COTA Annual meeting. (Best Paper Award)
- Tang, J.*, Heinimann, HR., Han K., 2020. Assessing temporal resilience of transportation systems: A systems-based hierarchical Bayesian network model. 99th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
- Zhang, B., Tang, J. (Co-first author), Wang, Y., Zhang, H., Wu, X.*, 2019. A Field Survey Study for Planning Highway Wildlife Crossing Structures in A Regional Case of National Highway in China. In proceedings of the 98th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. (Hot-Topic Paper)
- Zhang, H.*, Xie, Y., Xiao, G., Zhai, C., Long, Z., Kang, H., Tang, J., 2018. Tracking differentiator via time criterion. In Proceedings of the 2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC).
- Tang, J.*, Khoja, L., Heinimann, HR., 2017. Modelling stock survivability resilience in signed temporal networks: A study from London stock exchange. In Studies in Computational Intelligence. Complex Networks & Their Applications VI. Complex Networks 2017.
- Han, S., and Tang, J.*, 2022. Comparison of resilience metrics for urban critical infrastructure systems. 2022 International Association of China Planning (IACP2022) Annual Conference (For presentation only).
- Li, J., and Tang, J.*, 2022. Multi-hazard Risk Assessment and Susceptibility Mapping using Machine Learning and GIS: A human-oriented approach. 2022 International Association of China Planning (IACP2022) Annual Conference (For presentation only).
- Huang, F., and Tang, J.*, 2022. Built Environment Effects on the Spatiotemporal Distribution of Shared Bikes – Based on Multi-scale Geographic Weighted Regression (MGWR). 2022 International Association of China Planning (IACP2022) Annual Conference (For presentation only).
- Liu, Z., and Tang, J.*, 2022. Analysis of urban economic resilience after COVID-19 through percolation in multilayer complex networks. 2022 International Association of China Planning (IACP2022) Annual Conference (For presentation only).
- Tang, J.*, Schooling, JM., Wan, L., Nochta, T. 2021. Revealing functional roles for built environment professionals using a network approach: An investigation of digital tasks and digital competencies. Data for Policy 2021 Conference (For presentation only).
- Sankowska P.*, and Tang, J., 2020. Data-driven urban systems for sustainable smart city development. Data for Policy 2020 Conference (For presentation only).