Resilience, Safety, and Disaster Risk Reduction Lab
Junqing Tang· Research Group | 汤俊卿课题组
Shenzhen Graduate School, Peking University | 北京大学深圳研究院
School of Urban Planning and Design | 城市规划与设计学院
Key Laboratory of Land Surface Systems and Human-Earth Relations, Ministry of Natural Resources
| 自然资源部陆表系统与人地关系重点实验室

Making future cities more robust, resilient , and adaptive.
- 打造宜居、韧性、智慧的未来城市
We focus on topics related to resilient cities and sustainable development. Aiming at the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, we explore the resilience characteristics of cities (clusters), resilient responses of human mobility, and infrastructure protections under the influence of climate change and other multi-hazard risks via big data analytics and computer-aided modeling. By doing so, our objective is to enrich urban geography theories and provide scientific evidence and policy supports for building safer, more resilient and livable future cities.
| 城市复杂系统中的风险与韧性
Aiming at different scales of urban systems, proposing new models and approaches for quantitative evaluations of system resilience by investigating the ontology relationship among the basic attributes of complex systems, using multi-source data and expert knowledge.

| 智慧城市治理与大数据计算
Focusing on urban simulation and calculations, constructing digital twin models and resilient city models for better urban management and governance, and exploring the role of digital tools in building smart and resilient cities through a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods.
聚焦城市模拟与计算,构建数字孪生模型与韧性城市模型, 辅助城市治理与管理;通过“定量+定性”相结合的手段,探讨数字工具在构建智慧韧性城市中扮演的角色与发挥的作用。

| 城市流空间与自然灾害
Concentrating on the effects of climate-induced disasters on mobility spaces in cities, combined with spatiotemporal big data, our study analyzes the evolution characteristics of how people or city elements move in response to disasters.

| 最新研究成果
[2023] Junqing Tang, Pengjun Zhao, Zhaoya Gong, Hongbo Zhao, Fengjue Huang, Jiaying Li, Zhihe Chen, Ling Yu, Jun Chen, Resilience patterns of human mobility in response to extreme urban floods, National Science Review, Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2023, nwad097,
在《国家科学评论(National Science Review)》上发表研究论文:Resilience patterns of human mobility in response to extreme urban floods(城市极端内涝灾害影响下人群移动行为的韧性模式),揭示了极端城市内涝灾害影响下人群移动行为的韧性特征及其异质模式。

Junqing Tang | 汤俊卿
- Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor
- Manager of the Key Laboratory of Ministry of Natural Resources of China, Vice Dean of School of Urban Planning and Design, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School.
- Research and teaching interests: urban geography
- Hosted/Participated in domestic and foreign scientific research projects including those funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Guangdong Province, and Shenzhen Municipality.and won China’s Governmental Award for Outstanding Chinese Students Abroad and other awards.
- Published more than 70 papers in National Science Review, npj Sustainable Mobility and Transport, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Transportation Research Part C & D, Cities, and Geographical Research in the past five years.
- Office: 403, Building C, Shenzhen Graduate School, Peking University.
- TEL: 0755-26038830
- E-mail:
- 助理教授、博士生导师
- 自然资源部陆表系统与人地关系重点实验室建设办公室主管,城市规划与设计学院副院长
- 自然资源部高层次科技创新人才(青年科技人才)
- 中国科协科技智库青年人才
- 广东省青年人才
- 研究领域:城市地理学
- 主持/参与了国自然面上、广东省面上、深圳市面上等多项国内外科研项目,获国家优秀留学生奖等各类奖项称号。
- 近五年在National Science Review, npj Sustainable Mobility and Transport, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Transportation Research Part C & D, Cities, 地理研究等期刊发表论文70余篇。
- 办公室:北大深研院C栋403
- 电话:0755-26038830
- 邮箱
Ph.D. Students | 博士研究生
Research Assistant | 科研助理
Postgraduate Student | 硕士研究生
Past Member | 过往成员

- 课程名称:韧性城市研究前沿:理论、方法与实践 (学分:3分)
- 学科领域:城市安全与可持续发展
- 主要宗旨:向学生介绍韧性城市与城市灾害研究的概念、理论、方法与实践,并结合全球发展案例,从概念与理论、方法与技术、实践与规划三个部分进行讲授。
- 主要目的:培养学生的可持续发展城市前沿知识、防灾规划与实践的理论分析能力、对城市应急管理的综合理解能力,以及防灾与减灾规划研究的自由探索能力。对韧性城市与城市安全的主要研究方法与范式有比较全面的认识,可以独立开展与国际学术界接轨的进阶深入研究。
- 课程名称:地理数学方法(学分:3分)
- 学科领域:计量地理
- 主要宗旨:向学生教授基础地理数学的概念、理论、方法与应用,并结合实际案例,从概念与理论、方法与技术、计算与应用三个部分进行讲授。
- 主要目的:培养学生对地理数据的计算、建模与分析能力、对城市大数据的综合实操能力,以及计量地理科学的自由探索能力。学期结束后,学生应该对主要统计学方法与模型有比较全面的认识,可以独立开展建模应用与定量分析研究。
- [PI] 基于多智能体建模的受灾人群移动行为预测与应急资源优化 (01/2025 – 12/2027), 深圳市自然科学基金面上项目. (RMB 300K)
- [PI] 我国高速公路网风险监测、预警与决策体系研究 (01/2024 – 12/2024), 中国科协“科技智库青年人才计划”项目. (RMB 30k)
- [PI] 台风灾害影响下城市弱势群体出行移动行为的脆弱性评估与抗风险策略研究:以粤港澳大湾区城市为例 (10/2022 – 09/2025), 1. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目. (RMB 100k)
- [PI] 台风灾害链影响下的沿海城市交通韧性研究-以深圳市为例 (01/2024 – 12/2027), 国家自然科学基金委面上项目. (RMB 510k)
- [PI] 大数据驱动的粤港澳大湾区韧性城市动态评价研究 (10/2021 – 09/2024), 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金区域联合基金项目 (青年基金项目). (RMB 100k)
- [Co-PI] Enabling a Sustainable New Normal by Learning from Experiences in UK and Chinese Cities (10/2021- 12/2022), UCL-PKU Strategic Partner Funding Scheme.
- [PI] Peking University Start-up Fund (09/2021 – 09/2026), Peking University 北京大学海外高层次人才科研启动项目.
- [Co-I] Assessment of the resilience of metro systems in Hangzhou under the emergency situations (9/2021 -10/2022), Hangzhou Social Science Research Grant. 杭州市社科常规性规划课题项目.
- [Co-I] DREAMIN’s SG: Disaster REsilience Assessment, Modelling, and INovation Singapore (10/2020 – 03/2022),Intra-CREATE Seed Fund by Singapore’s National Research Foundation.
- [Lead Researcher] Digital Cities for Change (DC2-Phase II) The Ove Arup Foundation Programme (01/2019-01/2022), University of Cambridge and Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction. (RG89525)
- [Named Researcher] Digital Cities for Change (DC2-Phase I) The Ove Arup Foundation Programme (2019),University of Cambridge and Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction. (RG89525)
- [Named Researcher] Future Resilient Systems – Resilience metric and outliers (2016), ETH Zurich and Singapore’s National Research Foundation (FI 370074011)
- [Collaborator] Ecological monitoring in Xian-Chengdu high-speed railway project, Major Scientific ResearchProject of Shaanxi Academy of Science (2018K-4)
- [Collaborator] Investigation of wildlife crossing structures for Beijing – Urumqi National Highway (2017), Major Scientific Research Project of Shaanxi Academy of Science (2016K-04)
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